Sacred Union (Online Meditation and Energy Work Session)

Sacred Union (Online Meditation and Energy Work Session)

We continue our Meditation and Energy Work Series with a special session dedicated to the mystical alchemy of relationship. “The ultimate goal for us all is to experience and integrate: (1) a union with God; (2) a union within our own being (mind, body, and soul); and...
Dreaming of romance? Discover and resolve the hidden causes of problems in your life and relationships with intuitive energy healing.

Dreaming of romance? Discover and resolve the hidden causes of problems in your life and relationships with intuitive energy healing.

“If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance.” – Bernard Williams It’s the end of August now, so how was your summer? Sizzling romance for you? Personally, I was content with some decent reading. And then, I read this. “It is not...