Soul Ascension Blueprint:
Manifest your Highest Destiny
The Shift is Happening Now!
You know it. You feel it in your bones. You are changing.
It’s already been a while, since you started to question the status quo and began your quest for deeper understanding, spiritual connection and true fulfilment in life.
Right now, the pressure’s really on.
All of us, as a collective, are called to step up: free ourselves from the pain and separation of the past, embrace a new consciousness, and create new lives for ourselves, more loving, joyful and abundant than ever before.
The process of ascension is a momentous journey!
It’s the most wondrous blossoming, a perfected expression of Divinity in manifest reality.
It’s inevitable. It’s challenging.
Consciousness and energy keep expanding and bringing about change, whether we like it or not!
When we resist the ascension process, the natural flow of the life force through us, consciously or unconsciously, we create needless problems and pain.
What we’re presented with right now is the invitation to become conscious participants and co-creators as we ascend in consciousness.
You can say “yes” to the profound transformation that is taking place at this time and experience the inner and outer changes in your life as a Divine channel and Soul Alchemist.
Are you ready to embrace your own blossoming?
Shine Your Light!
To ascend means to reveal your Divine Light.
Your true Self as your Divine nature is already present and perfect at the heart of your Being.
But it is obscured, to a greater or lesser extent, mainly through the accumulated mental, emotional and energetic residue of historical experience — from this life, your family and ancestry, other life experiences (past / parallel lives), and the collective.
Of all the many possibilities and infinite potential for self-expression, your Highest Destiny, your most realized Self, already exists in the Divine Mind.
The ascension journey is the process of unifying your human physicality and awareness with this vastly wise and loving force that has conceived and is perpetually giving life to you, your body and Soul — along with all of your unique traits and creativity, your Soul’s purpose and most auspicious path in life.
The more fully you embody and express the Divine as yourself, the more your experience of yourself and of your life transforms to reflect the Divine perfection.
Your Soul Ascension Blueprint
What do you do stand to gain by choosing to engage consciously with the process of ascension, embody more of your own Divinity?
Love, connectedness, an unshakeable sense of fulfilment and Divine bliss — and a sustainable lifestyle that supports you to express yourself more fully and authentically than you could ever imagine.
What’s the catch?
You have to surrender the past, the future and all that is not true.
Every concept of who you have been and who you can or cannot be can be must be surrendered to a higher truth.
Egoic identities must be released. Old pain forgiven. Hopes, fears, desires, aversions dissolved in the truth of unconditional love.
On some level, you’ve already accepted the challenge: you’re already on the path of ascension, or you wouldn’t be reading this now.
The exact pathway, your unique Soul Ascension Blueprint, is inherent in your present state of being and your manifest life experience.
It contains:
- specific karmic energies and themes you’re here to learn from and bring to completion
- the Divine Qualities and unique Soul Gift that you’re here to embody and express
- the precise conditions and timing for your unfolding — for your own fulfilment and in accord with the greater design, Divine Order.
It is revealed to you as the extent to which you are experiencing positive shifts in 4 Key Pillars of Growth.
4 Key Pillars of Growth
As you step up and consciously engage with the process of ascension, you notice shifts in all four key areas of your life.
1. Purpose, Values, Vision
You have a clearer sense of your purpose and feel more strongly guided in life.
Your values and vision shift in alignment with your innate perfection — say goodbye to comparison, self-doubt and all the other ways in which you hold yourself back, consciously and unconsciously.
You are more empowered and discerning, better able to take right action in each moment.
2. Love, Relationships, Partnerships
You experience deep emotional healing and a renewed sense of self, able to connect, experience intimacy and share love more joyfully and authentically.
You move past unhealthy relationship patterns, able to form more balanced, honoring, co-creative partnerships.
Your relationships and partnerships are supportive of self-expression and growth, offering new ways for each one of you to share your unique talents, qualities and gifts and create richer, more fulfilling lives.
3. Vitality, Resources, Prosperity
You are more vital and healthy, having access to the resources you need to maintain your physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual well-being.
You are able to balance the input and output of energy on every level and have a healthy relationship with money, time, food and your own sexuality.
You are grounded in presence and a healthy feeling of sufficiency, so that both your desires and the channels through which you create abundance in your life are extensions of your innate, joyful creativity, rather than expressions of fear, lack, pride or greed.
4. Home, Environment, Spiritual Connection
You feel at home in yourself, in your body, in your environment and community.
Your intuition, empathy and psychic abilities are enhanced, and it’s easier for you to maintain expanded awareness and spiritual connection through different situations and life experiences.
You have a sense of the bigger picture of your life and how you are called to serve in each moment, free from worry and the need to anticipate or control outcomes.
Overall, you experience expansion.
You discover you are so much more than you thought you were!
You realize you have extraordinary talents and potential, enormous inner resolve and capacity for greatness — and you no longer limit yourself.
What else is there for you?
Oneness. Synchronicity. Flow.
The more you align with and embody your true, Divine Self, you become one with Source energy, the universal organising force.
You find yourself at the right place, at the right time, with the right people and the right conditions for your perfect unfolding.
Solutions come to you more easily and you gain more trust in life, knowing that the universe conspires to assist you, every step of the way.
You can let go and be free.
Simply be and experience the flow of life as a benevolent force moving through you and all around you.
You are at one with life. And it is good.
Join us, create your best life!
As deeply intimate and personal as your journey is, it’s also meant to be shared.
Both on a soul and a personal level, we travel together.
Our sorrows and joys, challenges and victories belong to all of us, together.
The journey of ascension is a simultaneously an individual and collective process and it serves us to engage with it together, as well as on our own.
Join me and members of the School of Soul Alchemy for “Your Soul Ascension Blueprint: Manifest Your Highest Destiny”, a space of self-reflection, alchemy and illumination, a container that supports you to become present and realize the Divine as yourself.
Over the course of 8 weeks, we will meet every week for live, online sessions that offer you:
- psychic readings and spiritual guidance
- karmic clearing (ancestral, family, past-life, collective, multi-dimensional)
- channeled transmissions and quantum energetics
- deep sharing, witnessing, presencing and attunement to the Divine in you, in us
Working one-to-one and together as a group, you will receive the support you need to envision and embody your best Self and your most joyful, loving and abundant life.
Soul Ascension Blueprint
Manifest Your Highest Destiny
As a person and on a Soul level, you are evolving, learning life lessons — a lot of the time, the hard way!
At the same time, your Divine Self, holds perfection outside of time and space. On this level, there is nothing to learn or attain.
Soul Ascension Blueprint: Manifest Your Highest Destiny is a unique, 8-week program that holds all of these aspects, enabling you to experience a unique kind of Soul Alchemy: you get to transform your life from within.
Content Outline
8 Weekly Live Online Sessions combine psychic readings and spiritual guidance with group work, healing and energetics, specifically in response to the material you bring.
The work starts with self-reflection.
How are you experiencing the 4 Key Pillars of Growth?
- Purpose, Values, Vision
Are you aware of a deeper meaning and purpose in your life? How are you expressing your unique talents and gifts through your professional and personal life? What do you value and what constitutes real success for you? Do you have a vision for a more fulfilled version of yourself and your life? What needs to change in order for you to experience this greater fulfilment?
- Love, Relationships, Partnerships
How do you experience love, connection and intimacy? To what extent have you overcome past hurt, negative conditioning and problematic relationship dynamics? How satisfied are you with the quality of your communication and your ability to thrive in partnership? What would make you really happy in your relationships and partnerships? Can you already see a path to this happiness, or what stands in your way?
- Vitality, Resources, Prosperity
Are you enjoying good health, wealth and all-round vitality? How well as you balancing your various commitments and responsibilities, taking care of others and looking after yourself? Do you have the resources you need in order to meet all your needs and maintain your physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual well-being? Are you happy in your own skin? How might you feel more balanced, vibrant and in love with life?
- Home, Environment, Spiritual Connection
How happy are you with where you live and work? Does your environment support you in maintaining a happy, abundant life? Do you feel nourished and at home in yourself and wherever you find yourself? Are there times when you feel lonely or like you don’t belong? How strong are your intuition, psychic senses and your ability to connect with higher awareness and feelings of peace, unconditional love and joy?
Bring your experiences, reflections, emotions and intentions to sessions, and open for insight, illumination and new manifestations.
I will help you decode your unique Soul Ascension Blueprint, as it reveals itself through the material you bring, and use it to step up to a new life trajectory.
The sessions support you to:
- gain clarity on your Soul’s purpose and plan for this life, the real reasons why you have chosen this incarnation
- explore specific relationships and life experiences, especially to identify and resolve key karmic lessons that are causing you pain or holding you back
- attune to and embody the frequency of your most realized Self, releasing the necessity for struggle and making quantum leaps on your path to true happiness, fulfilment and joy in every area of your life.
Your best life awaits you!
Additional Support
Your registration includes access to the live session replays, as well as additional, ongoing support and exchange inside a private, Soul Ascension Blueprint course space on the School of Soul Alchemy online platform.
There, you will find a discussion forum where you can share and connect with myself and other program participants.
These are deep, soul connections: don’t be surprised if you make good friends for life!
Inside the dedicated program space, you will also find additional materials that I share to support our work together, including all the Bonuses that come with your registration.
BONUS 1: Connecting with Higher Awareness (Soul Purpose Activation)
This guided meditation and energetic transmission is perfect for soul alignment.
Listening helps you easily reach a higher level of awareness, so that you may know your soul’s purpose qualities and unique gift for this life.
You will also have the opportunity to gain insight around an important person and life theme in your present incarnation,
Connecting with Higher Awareness additionally serves as excellent training for your intuition and psychic senses, helping you access higher vibrational states with increasing ease and consistency.
Total duration: c. 40 minutes
BONUS 2: No More Heart Wall!
This recorded transmission works to dissolve the Heart Wall.
The Heart Wall is an energetic structure made up of unprocessed emotions.
It is acts as a defense mechanism against painful experiences, but it also blocks your expression, your ability to connect and to find happiness and success in life. It is a key contributor to:
- poor experiences in relationship
- lack of money and opportunity
- low self-esteem
- negative thoughts and emotions
- loss of energy and vitality
- frustrated efforts to improve your life
No More Heart Wall! reverses the restriction and restores your energy, bring you back joy and lightness of being.
You will find it easier to:
- connect and enjoy intimacy
- find new solutions and opportunities
- enjoy more synchronicity with stronger intuition and sense of purpose
Total duration: c. 40 minutes
BONUS 3: The Gift of Abundance
This is an extensive session recording — part workshop and part guided meditation and energy work — designed to help you find your personal key to abundance and open to the best in life.
The workshop section guides you through a process of self-enquiry, so that you may arrive at the very essence of abundance for you, specifically in this incarnation.
This clear awareness serves as your key to unlocking abundance, and is further utilised in the guided meditation section.
The embedded energetic transmission helps you release both conscious and unconscious blocks to abundance,so that you may enjoy greater prosperity in an aligned, fulfilling way.
Total duration: c. 1 hour 10 minutes
Registrations open: TBA
Program opens: TBA
Program ends: TBA
Weekly Live Online Sessions take place:
Once you have registered, you will receive a questionnaire where you can indicate your time zone and preferred times for sessions.
The replays will be released every week inside the dedicated program space.
How good does it get?
The work we do together goes deep.
The greater your openness and willingness to experience positive change, the more you can shift — even in a short time.
Olivia, who worked with me privately, describes her journey.
After a significant physical injury, I was internally guided for a re-direction in my life.
I knew that there were deeper issues to look at and resolve, as I hadn’t manifested major outcomes in my life — particularly regarding my business, home environment and relationship.
However, I didn’t feel like I could grasp these issues by myself, so I was looking for a coach in the spiritual field.
This is where Elena came into my life.
We went into unresolved energetic “shadows” and blocks that have been stuck in my system — whether it was from this life or past lives.
Working with Elena majorly shifted my internal world and — slowly, but steadily — I’ve been able to notice shifts in my external reality as well.
For the first time in my life, fears and blocks regarding major life topics dissolved, I gained more clarity and some things just fell into place.
I was able to heal the relationship with my family, my mother in particular.
By working through deeply rooted wounds and past life trauma with the help of Elena, I now bond and connect in a much deeper way with my mum and family.
Even though I live a completely different lifestyle and have different values, I feel a sense of belonging in my family and deeper sense of love for them.
My view and feelings in terms of my home environment have transformed.
After moving from one place to another, not feeling rooted, feeling like I don’t belong, and always trying to “run away”, I was finally able to let go of this internal confusion, resistance, and search in the external.
My sense of grounding has become stronger. First and foremost, I feel “at home” in my body.
My physical health improved as I started to connect deeper with my feminine energy after decades of having lost touch with the creative & sexual life force energy within.
I can feel more vitality, joy, and pleasure in my body again.
I always felt like having a soul’s purpose — a deeper mission — here on earth. However, I haven’t had a clue on where to get started and what to do.
I carried a lot of fear around going out with my truth and taking action on business registration (also because I did not have a solid home environment).
Now, I have concrete plans, I have just registered my business, I found a beautiful soul-kindred partner and best friend, and gained so much more clarity on what to do next.
I can now handle challenges with more ease and enjoy life to a much greater extent and I just can say “THANK YOU” to this beautiful angel Elena, who has supported me during a majorly dark time in my life.
Anyone who is ready to dig deep, to face and let go of unhealed trauma and emotions, anyone who is ready to follow their highest good — I can recommend you work with Elena!
Thank you!
Join the next presentation
What others say
“You have changed my life and I’m forever thankful.
The two courses I have taken have been so valuable… I will use them all the time! Thank you!”
“You helped me to see life from a different point of view.
I have the tools I need now, this has been amazing! Thank you.”
“I really appreciate everything that you have taught us, the structured way but also the communication.
I think that sharing the experience here in this small group is very beneficial…. I’ve seen a connection I was not expecting, this love transmitted through the screen…
Thank you…for sharing and making this weekend really healing.”
I’ve been doing these meditations many times now and I feel a big change in my life.
I thought about it last time, when you asked me at the end how I feel, and I had to compare, how it was two months ago and how it is now.
I feel my eyes are more open, more bright. I set some healthy boundaries for me — not against any special person, around everyone. I need to have my space! A safe space for me.
I think it’s really beautiful that I can feel like this!
I like that you like to move forward faster, get up on the highway and let’s go! I really enjoy it, because my burnout started ten years ago and I don’t want to wait another ten years before I feel well, so I really enjoy that we can move forward a little quickly.
And last time, the healing, that was something special too. It felt like somebody lifted me up from the chair and then I was really calm. And then, when I went to bed, it felt like someone gave me some more healing. And it was really wonderful!
So I really enjoy it, it has been amazing and I look forward to the sessions!
It was very a transformative week. Last week’s was a very strong session. The meditation was very deep and relaxing. I think I lost control! It was a good thing! It was immersive.
The loving energy can help me find myself and get in touch with my true self, especially as we are going through some tough moments, collectively.
And the week before, after the session, I felt more concentrated, more focussed on my goals. I felt steadier. More centred. This was a very positive shift for me.
Really nice to be here, I’m really happy to be able to join! I’m feeling great. The last few days were quite emotional for me. I felt a very powerful healing and releasing of a lot of old patterns and feelings.
I feel this is really preparing me for something new, for a new start.
The topic of “home” was also right on point. After the meditation I had this clarity that my home is in my heart, not in my physical space. We sometimes forget and look for that feeling outside. But this session reminded me, “I AM my home! Thank you!
It was a lovely experience last week! The meditation was really deep and I came out of it so relaxed and so happy.
It was all about being strong… a beautiful, beautiful experience, so I’m looking forward to today’s session.
The change that I feel since we’ve been having these meetings is I’m more open.
I was always very tight, struggling with self-esteem, but now I feel I’m more open to people and to changes. I feel that good things are coming!
For me, it’s a very big achievement.
Sign up today and experience the magic!
Join the next presentation
How is this program delivered? Is it all online?
Live sessions take place online and all materials are delivered online.
The weekly, live sessions take place on Zoom and the replays are made available online inside the private program space on the School of Soul Alchemy membership platform.
You will receive instructions on how to access the platform and the program content soon after you complete your registration.
All of this is easily done using your computer or mobile device.
Once you’re inside the dedicated space for this program, you will see the discussion forum, as well as a Welcome section and all three Bonuses.
Replays from the weekly sessions will added to the course content as soon as they become available, so you can watch and listen again or catch up, if you’ve missed a live session.
You’ll soon get the hang of it!
You’re welcome to reach out, if you need any help.
I’m not sure I can make all the live sessions. Will the program still work for me, if I only listen to recordings?
Yes, absolutely!
All the content will be made available online, so that you can access it any time and as many times as you like.
The beauty of energy work is that it works outside of space and time, so you will gain all the benefits any time you watch and listen to the recordings.
We will schedule the additional one-to-one sessions that come with Option 2 at a time that suits you.
Througout the program, you can easily communicate with myself and other students inside the dedicated membership area, so that you are always well-connected and supported.
Who is this program aimed at? Do I need to have any particular experience in order to make the most of it?
This program is for you, if you have an interest in spirituality and want to understand yourself better, experience healing and improve your life.
The program addresses universal themes in a way that you can apply to your specific circumstances and needs.
The main catalyst for healing and transformation is the energetic transmissions.
Bring your intentions to each session, so that you derive exactly what you need to move forward in your life from where you are.
Every time you engage with the content, watch and listen to the recordings, you will discover new insights and access new dimensions of your being.
As your circumstances change and you bring new intentions, you will derive new, rich and diverse benefits.
How does this program compare to private sessions? Will I get the same benefits?
Private sessions are tailored to your specific circumstances and intentions and offer you very detailed psychic readings, in addition to spiritual guidance and energetics.
Group sessions, on the other hand, offer the advantage of bigger perspective and the energy of the group field, which is very supportive and helps you boost your intentions and manifest them into your life.
Given that the group is not so large, there is space in the group sessions for individual sharing, guidance and support.
With Option 2, you can enjoy the best of both worlds: all the deep sharing, heartfelt connections and the energetic support of the group, plus additional one-to-one session time for more personal insights and focussed attention on specific areas of personal interest.
If you’d like additional support or would like to continue your journey beyond this 8-week container, you’re welcome to get in touch and discuss options for you.
Still scrolling?
I get it.
You want to be certain, make sure to gather all the information.
Take a breath.
Feel your heart. Your heart knows.
Is your heart calling?
Probably, or you won’t have reached this far. Honestly, there’s very little to lose and everything to gain.
Go for it!
I’m here for you, your Soul family is here for you, the world awaits you to be your best and greatest Self.
See you inside.
With love, Elena x