“I have turned to Elena for her support and guidance through many different issues in my life, over a number of years.
Elena has helped me unravel and work through sexual, emotional and spiritual blocks. As a result my marriage of twenty years, feels renewed and vibrant once again. Elena was able to negotiate the complexities of two very strong characters skilfully with intuitive grace and wisdom.
Elena was equally adept in applying her intuitive qualities, in supporting my eleven year old daughter. Through empathic conversation and the use of various gentle techniques, such as art and picture cards, a shift happened in my daughter. She released some negative beliefs she was holding onto and has found a new inner strength to draw from.
On a personal level, Elena has helped facilitate and encourage my spiritual growth. Encouraging me to explore the various new insights and energetic shifts that are taking place within me. Having her there to discuss and explore my new expansion and awareness, allows me to consolidate these experiences and expand on them without doubting myself or dismissing it as simply my imagination.
I would recommend Elena to anyone seeking guidance on a spiritual, emotional or physical level. I will continue to work with Elena over the coming years and draw comfort just knowing she is there.”
— Emma, London
Is it your turn to end the struggle?
Working with Emma, her husband and daughter has been immensely fulfilling. Seeing Emma empowered and happy, delighting in her relationship with her husband, her soul mate, once more, the two of them better able to support and inspire their children, has meant the world to me.
As for Emma’s daughter, she discovered inner strength, wisdom and confidence that she hadn’t recognized in herself before, and completely turned around her previously distressing experience of school. She has gained the respect of her peers, and is now able to form much more genuine, empowered friendships.
Allow me to help you.
I’d love to see you blossom, overcoming challenges, dancing with life!