Ask Angel: Intuitive Guidance for Peace of Mind (Online)
Connect with past-life psychic, intuitive channel and spiritual mentor, Elena Angel and Students of the School of Soul Alchemy.
Bring your questions and open for guidance and a powerful energetic boost on your journey of healing, awakening and self-realization.
In this session we will be focussing on the topics raised in the 5 Day Soul Vision Challenge (available for free in the dedicated course space) and the upcoming 12-week group program for intuitive development, soul healing and manifesting your vision Soul Purpose Unveiled: Your Unique Path to Happiness and Self-Realization.
Live call starts at
20:00 CEST | 19:00 BST | 14:00 EST | 13:00 CT | 11:00 PDT
Click here to view the time zone calculator.
Total duration: c. 90 minutes
No replay available.