Dream Healing: Guided Dreamwork Practice
This practice was shared live during a recent Dream Circle.
Below are some helpful guidelines:
- Prepare by selecting a dream to work on. Choosing a dream that provoked strong emotions will likely lead to a more powerful transformation.
- Spend some time recalling as much detail as you can about the dream.
- During the practice, you will be guided to recreate and reenter the dream, exactly as you remember it.
- Once inside the dream, you will be guided to shift perspective by entering different characters or elements present in the dream — it may be people / beings, objects, colours, textures, anything at all that forms part of the dream. This will allow you to increase your understanding and gain valuable insight into the meaning of the dream and the opportunity it presents for you at this time.
- You will then be guided to experience a transformation. Allow yourself to be guided by your imagination: let some resolution or transformation take place, however it will.
- As the practice draws to a close, you will have the opportunity to state a personal intention and receive a final healing and blessing.
- If you keep a journal, you may like to make a few notes about your experience, or take a few moments to integrate.
Next steps?
If you enjoyed this recording and would like to explore more, check out my Meditations for Gratitude, part of the Gratitude Journal Series, or join the School of Soul Alchemy and explore the recordings inside the Free Library.
You’re welcome to get in touch, if you’d like to share about your experience, or request additional guidance.